Bucks County Legends Baseball

"Respect All, Fear None"

 Bristol Township Council saves the day!

After many months of searching for a home field the Legends came upon the abandoned Coates Avenue complex in Edgley, Pa.  It was neglected for at least 10-15 years. The complex was overrun with vines, poison ivy, poison oak, debris, trash and many piles of dumped stone, blacktop and unuseable construction dirt.

The Legends board members parted the vines that covered the 20 and 30 foot fences and saw a very neglected but once loved baseball field. The dugouts were falling down and rooves were ripped off.

The board was desperate to find a field for it's players and their baseball families. One that was safe and clean so they could come to watch their child play ball. The board took on this major project and accepted the challenge to make these fields safe and playable.

Once the Bristol Township Council and Legends finalized a lease, the Legends then turned to it's members and asked them for help tackling this enormous project. The players and families volunteered and came out every night and weekend for months to get the first field ready. The Legends also received local support from many businesses within the community. Many fundraisers were also held to help with the expense. The board is very thankful that every hour of hard work, every bag of debris collected, every dumpster filled and every vine removed was done by volunteers of the Legends Organization. Unfortunately many ended up with poison ivy and poison oak but still came back every chance they got to help make these fields home, and as everyone all knows ....... There's no place like home!!

Coates Avenue fields are now home to the Bucks County Legends and we have the Bristol Township Council to thank for that.

Once again, Bristol Township comes up big!!

In late November 2018 the Legends Organization received

some unfortunate news that their long standing training facility and sponsor, Extra Innings of Bensalem, was forced to closer their doors by year end. Because of this news the Legends had to quickly find an alternate plan.

Once again, Bristol Township Council President Craig Bowen and the rest of the council members step in with the ultimate offer.

Sitting at 800 Coates Avenue in the Edgely area of Bristol Township is an old Township building that has been about 80% abandoned for close to 25 years. Current tenants,

DV3 (Delaware Valley Vietnam Veterans) has occupied a small portion of the building for a couple decades.

After a little over a month of renovations, the Bucks County Legends Travel Baseball Organization reached a mutual lease agreement with the Township for our new training facility.

a.k.a. The Legends Field House

Now the Legends Organization anticipates years of uninterrupted training for it's members. This facility allows us the ability to work hard on the fundamentals that will help get our players to the next level.